What kind is your salary?

Onion Salary
You take it, you see it.. and you cry.

Bitch Salary
Doesn't help you in anything, from her you only suffer, but you can't live without her.

7 Deadly sins of the credit card...

A credit card can be a wonderful thing, but a catastrophe if you use it in the wrong way.

The probability to end up in hell if you do one or more of the following sins is impossible, however, the financial situation in which you'll end up would be painful.

Interesting story, University worker graduates on the age of 52

This story is about a man from Montenegro, who many years worked as a cleaner in the University of Columbia. But this man had a dream, and showed great determination to pursue it. 


Epic fail


Letter from the daughter in college =)

Dear Mom and Dad,

Three months have gone as I went to college. It's been a while since I wrote you, so here how I'd like to correct that mistake.

Well, I'm ok. The fracture and concussion of the scull are almost gone. Oh ... that came when my room went on fire and I jumped from the window. Lucky me,  worker at a gas station, which is located nearby saw me jumping from the window, and call the firefighters and they quickly arrived. He also visited me in hospital.


Some marketing terms .. :)

1.You see a beautiful girl at a party. You approach her and say: "I'm fantastic in bed." That's direct marketing.

2. You see a beautiful girl at a party. You ask a friend to go and tell her: "My friend is fantastic in bed." That's advertising.

The amazing spirit and thoughts of a Facebook co-founder

Dustin Moskovitz, the college room-mate of Mark Zuckerberg and co-founder of Facebook, is one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Despite the wealth, he doesn't want to stop working, and has opened a new company because he must serve the humanity.